
Health insurance provides resources of use to families with members with autism

How to file a missing persons report

This is a post that I don't want to write, but it is better to plan ahead and not need the material. It is critical to discuss in advance what type of reaction to have when a teen or young adult decides to leave the household in the middle of the night without money, a reliable phone, and without giving anyone notice. This story had a happy ending and the outreach department did a welfare check to determine that our son was safe.     please contact Sheriff’s Dispatch at 760-836-3215. Riverside County Sheriff's Dept

Carefirst wants to help with skills-building for autism spectrum disorder, so recommends - the different programs have different IQ requirements - must not have graduated from high school Back to the drawing board, but thanks to you for trying.... 2016

Autism resources at the University of Maryland

Image Support provides a weekly four hours of counseling and interaction, supervised by UMD communications disorders teaching staff. This includes peer mentoring, group meetings, outings, and assessments and therapy. The support team tailors the program to the student's course schedule, preferences for clubs, and interest in group outings. Payment is comparable to that of what a student tutor would charge, which is about half of the common hourly rate for speech therapy in the area.

Why not have a graduation requirement for legible handwriting?

The standard answer has been any of handwriting is no longer essential we teach our students to keyboard  a future employer or college will not require legible handwriting you can always get an accommodation to use a word processor Here is the result -- frustration and lower grades at university (click to enlarge).

Possible accommodations to increase executive functioning

Request an accommodation so that your course instructor can add your coach onto the course website (e.g. Moodle, ELMS, Canvas) to have access to the current syllabus. Disambiguate terms that different parts of the university use differently. Rather than say, "Request an accommodation three business days before an exam," state the day of the week on which to make the request.  For example, Friday and Saturday exams have the SAME request day, which is Tuesday.  The testing center scheduling software considers Saturday not to be a business day,  but the university often does consider Saturday to be a regular business day when it comes to exams.

How will history judge the Nazi past of Dr. Hans Asperger?

Not well today: Simon Baron-Cohen, Ami Klin, Steve Silberman, and Joseph D. Buxbaum, Did Hans Asperger actively assist the Nazi euthanasia program?, (Molecular Autism, 2018),   [Georg]   Frankl’s  journey from Vienna to Baltimore , and from one autism pioneer to another, was if nothing else a testament to Leo Kanner’s heroism. Kanner and his wife, in response to the crisis unfolding in Europe, helped [Jewish] doctors, nurses, and researchers—who would have otherwise perished—find visas and jobs in the United States. They saved upwards of 200 lives—one of which was Frankl’s.  Kanner’s assistant [was] Asperger’s diagnostician.